Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Practicing my Walky Skills

Just Readin and Hangin out with Daddy

Super Bowl Party

10 month stats

Our baby the shirmp!

Height: 27.5 inches (3rd percentile)

Weight: 15 lbs 12.5 oz (33rd percentile)

Head Circumference: 17. 3 (39th percentile)

Teeth: 8 (top 4, bottom 4)

McKenzi is exactly 10 months old today!

She has been sick a lot the last 2 months.
She had RSV, the flu and a virus.
The doctor said that MJ should be eating more solids.
The problem is, she doesn't like when I am the one
feeding her because she would rather nurse.
She eats really well for Aunt Casey though.
Babes loves to cruise around the house
running into the dog and cats.
She also loves her jumper.
She also loves reading books.
Mckenzi had her first pony a few weeks ago.
She is trying to say Mama, Dada and dog.