Monday, May 16, 2011

Wonderous Words

Here is a list of the words that MJ says:

Mama, Dada, dog, ruff ruff, out, up, wow, uh oh, no no, cat

For about the last week, MJ wakes up and says, "Dog, ruff, ruff."

Casey got her a little dog and Chad taught her to say ruff, ruff.

While we were in Reno, MJ got another dog that looks like Casey's chiweenie, Lucy.

Tubby Time

Having fun in the tub
Trying to 'catch' the water :)
Clapping for the water
Playing with Auntie
This weekend I went to Reno for the NAPMW (National Association of Professional Mortgage Women). MJ, my sister and her boyfriend, Justin, came with me. Casey and Justin came along to help watch McKenzi and to see their friends Chris and Jamie who live in Reno. Jana, my fellow appraiser friend, came along as well. We stayed at the Peppermill. These are some pictures that Justin took while MJ was playing in the tub. It was so cute because she kept trying to grab the water that was coming out of the faucet. More pics from Reno to come. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

McKenzi is turning ONE!!!

I can't believe that my baby is already turning one! She is growing up so fast! It has been a really fun year!!! Lainee designed this cute birthday invitation!

McKenzi's Spring Pictures

Casey's friend Lainee took some pictures of McKenzi. She is 11 months in the pictures. They turned out really cute! Thanks Lainee!